How to Plan a Solo Trip

Being an experienced solo traveler, I regularly am asked about the ins and outs of planning a solo trip. From saving money to how to stay safe while traveling solo and everything in between, I love getting to answer so many questions around planning a solo holiday. In this post, I’ve laid out some of the most important things I’ve learned along the way, so whether you are taking a trip for four days or four months, here are some of the things you should keep in mind when planning a solo trip of your own.


First things first, let me say this: you should not go into debt for a trip. If you cannot realistically afford a holiday within your current means, I honestly don’t think that you should be taking one.  This has always been my mantra, even (and especially) while I was paying off debt. If I wanted to take a few days off here or there for a long weekend, I would always save for it beforehand.  So this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take trips if you have debt; it just means you have to be more intentional in your planning.

Speaking of planning, creating a budget is one of the first things you should consider when planning a trip.  It may seem tedious or annoying, but having a plan for your money is a great way to start the planning process. It was the first thing I worked on with my Europe trip because I needed to know just how much money I would need to save before I could start getting into the nitty-gritty details.  You can do this with pen and paper or create a spreadsheet (my preference, that way you can access it easily from anywhere) that includes all of the necessary categories of spending for your holiday. For my multi-month-long trip, my budget included the following:

  • Round-trip flight

  • Food ($x / day / x days)

  • Lodging ($x / day / x days)

  • Other Travel Expenses (train, bus, etc.)

  • Entertainment + Fun

  • Travel Insurance (see this post for more info)

  • Miscellaneous

  • Recurring Bills (Giving, Phone, Insurance, etc.)

Placing all of these categories into a formulated spreadsheet that showed total numbers can really help with saving the money you’ll need.  You can adapt your budget as necessary for your trip, but this is a good place to start.

Side note: if you are out of debt and looking to travel, especially abroad, it may be a good idea to consider getting a travel credit card while — of course — always sticking to your planned budget. When I spent months at a time traveling around Europe, I did just that, and for a few reasons: one, to save on foreign transactions and other unnecessary fees, and two, so that I could make some extra money (aka. points). To this day, I use my credit card for almost every transaction I make, and I always pay it off each month. For more helpful information on travel credit cards, check out this Money post.


The Simple Guide to Solo Travel
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Packing for a trip tends to elicit one of two reactions: freaking out about planning and just throwing whatever into a suitcase, or getting all kinds of excited and creating a detailed document with each and every item to pack based on the weather and activities planned.  I tend to fall into the latter category of human, and almost always create a spreadsheet where I compile a list of all of the things that I want to pack for an upcoming trip. I realize this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ve found that preparing ahead of time can really save you both time and potential headaches in the future.  Not only will you have better and/or the right things ready to go, but your bag will likely be lighter as a result of planning ahead. And remember, in most cases, you can always run to the store if you really need something that you didn’t pack. Make sure you pick the right kind of bag for your trip, as well! For my Europe trip, I debated for a while between using a backpack or a suitcase and ended up going with the latter (for a few reasons). I invested in an Away Bag and not only was it worth absolutely every penny on that trip, but I am continuing to use it now as I travel more.

When it comes to the practical stuff, like actually getting your stuff into a bag, some people debate the folding vs. rolling methods, but have you heard of packing cubes?  They are a lifesaver!  Not only do they keep your things organized, but I’m convinced that they also help you get more into your bag than you could without them!  So fold or roll to your heart’s content, but make sure you’re using some packing cubes. And be sure to think through what things might be available to you that you can skip packing, like a blow dryer, toiletries, etc. in order to make more space in your bag.  


Traveling by yourself, especially as a woman, can seem scary.  Trust me, I totally get it. I had plenty of well-meaning people express some concern when I started talking about my plans to travel for a while.  While I appreciated their concern, I’m here to tell you that traveling solo does not have to be scary… but it does mean being more aware and a bit more cautious.  Some safety tips are fairly common sense, like avoiding dark, desolate areas (especially when you’re alone), not telling someone you just met where you’re staying, and not flashing around cash or expensive items, especially in heavily tourist-filled areas (like the Colosseum in Rome).  Along with those, here are a few of my personal tips for staying safe while traveling solo:

  • Try to look like as much of a local as possible.  You can do this in a number of ways: walk confidently and look like you know where you’re going, feel free to make eye contact with people on the street, and don’t wear something that screams “tourist,” like a money belt or big camera.  This will help you to not stick out as a potential target to scammers or thieves.

  • Keep your eyes up and off your phone.  You should definitely know where you’re going, so if that means peeping at Google Maps from time to time, that’s totally okay.  But don’t be so focused on your phone that you miss what’s happening around you. Not only can this make someone an easier target, but it keeps you distracted and less able to potentially defend yourself.

  • And, of course, try to always be aware of your surroundings.  This doesn’t mean you need to be on hyper-alert all of the time, but take mental note of what’s going on around you and make decisions from there.  If something feels off, move on. Know yourself and trust your gut.

Ultimately, when traveling solo, remember to keep your head up, your eyes open, and be as prepared as you can, but most of all, remember to have fun!  This is an experience to be savored and enjoyed, so make sure you’re embracing every moment!


Traveling solo is simultaneously totally amazing and super hard, and that — I think — is the beauty of it.  There’s something so very special about exploring on your own, because you will be challenged to grow in so many ways.: you will edge out of your comfort zones; you’ll experience exhilaration and exhaustion and loneliness in the same breath; you will learn boundaries and how to take care of yourself; your confidence will soar and you’ll learn when to ask for help; you’ll do things you never thought you could or would; and you will see some absolutely stunning places and meet beautiful souls along the way.  You will grow, you will change, and you will be better because of it.

I hope that some of my tips for planning a solo trip — from packing to budgeting and staying safe — have inspired you to take one in the future.  I’ve chatted with some people in my circles who’ve said they don’t think they could ever travel by themselves, but let me squash that thought.   Letting fear stop you from trying something new is no way to live, and I promise that you have what it takes to do it yourself.. So whether it’s a long weekend or a few months, taking a solo trip has the potential to be absolutely life changing…


For more tips and tricks to planning a trip, check out this podcast episode all about travel:


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